What is Myrrh?
Myrrh is a resin that comes from trees called Commiphora which grow in Northern Africa and the Middle East.
Myrrh has been used for centuries as incense and for medicinal purposes. It can be used as an astringent, antiseptic, antiparasitic, antitussive and antispasmodic agent.
Myrrh is used to treat the following conditions:
- Reduce Headache
- Relieve pain
- Good for gum health
- Help fight germs
- Joint Pain alleviation
- Anticancer
- Candida Infection
- Lower back pain
- Nail Fungus
- Skin Health
- Prevent Diabetes
- Infection Control
- Respiratory Health
- Muscle Ache
- Menstrual Cramp Treatment
- Liver Health
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
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